Friday, 19 October 2018

My space project by Lillie (Mrs Alston's class)

Dear reader,
Hello, my name’s Lillie and I have completed this project to share with my class (6A) because our
topic for part of this year is Space. Each night, for a couple of weeks after I got home from school,
I spent hours until I felt lifeless working on my project. It includes all 8 planets (Mercury, Venus,
Earth and the Moon, Mars Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) in order from closest to the Sun to
furthest. My dad gave a helping hand in this as he bought the wood and helped construct the Sun,
but I did the rest. As you can might be able to see, I sprinkled glitter on the board while the paint was
wet to represent the millions of stars floating in our universe as you read this. I enjoyed doing this
project very much and look forward to doing things like this in the future.

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